Shaving Flight 370 with Occam’s Razor

When I was at university I had a professor that was constantly drilling Occam’s Razor into his students heads. In case you are unfamiliar with William of Occam’s Razor, it simply states that the simplest hypothesis is usually the correct one and should be assumed correct until facts prove otherwise. I will attempt to explain the mystery of flight 370, as succinctly as possible, with this in mind.

Zaharie Shah, the pilot was estranged from his wife. He was an active and very involved member of the opposition party in Malaysia whose leader was imprisoned shortly before flight 370. He presented his wife with his watch and rings so she could give them to his sons “just in case” something should happen to him. He built a complicated flight simulator in his home, and deleted the hard drive before he left on flight 370. This should be enough to develop a hypothesis. However, there is more.

On the night of the flight everything was normal until the plane ended contact with Malaysian flight control. It was then that the electrons went out. Shah had the technical ability to accomplish this. The plane, according to Thai military radar, flew west across Thailand and out over the Indian Ocean. Satellite tracking shows the flight then climbed to a altitude well beyond the ceiling for a 777 where anyone not on oxygen would become unconscious. (Here, I will take some license on the final step. However, it is still the simpleĀ explanation.) The plane then descended to a very low altitude and flew southwest where it was ditched or crashed somewhere between Australia and the Antarctic in one of the most remote areas on Earth.

Over the past two weeks I have heard stories of alien abduction, terrorist landing the plane on some remote airstrip in preparation for a future attack, time warps, and black holes. What the hell ? This was the work of one, demented, sick, selfish individual. Intelligent no doubt, with a well thought out plan. We will never know what he was thinking or what his goal was. However, I believe one thing is certain, and will continue to believe until I am proved wrong. Flight 370 and all 239 people aboard are at the bottom of the very deep and cold Indian Ocean somewhere between Australia and Antarctic.

I think William of Occam would agree with my hypothesis.

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