Classic Movies of the 50’s and 60’s


These are the movies many of us watched on the late late show as kids. They have never lost their appeal.

The_Day_The_Earth_Stood_StillThe Day the Earth Stood Still (1952)

Starring Michael Rennie as the alien visitor. This film was based on a short story written by Harry Bates. It was the first science fiction movie to feature a serious subject with serious acting and production. Of course, there was Klatu as well.

War_of_the_WorldsWar of the Worlds (1953)

Gene Barry and Ann Robinson starred in this original motion picture that took some leeway from the H.G.Wells novel. The most notable is the clergyman in the film is selfless and heroic. In the novel, Wells lets his secular view show by portraying the cleric as cowardly. Its a great film that I have on DVD, and watch with my kids.

When_Worlds_CollideWhen Worlds Collide (1951)  

Based on the 1933 novel of the same name, this film is another I like to watch every few years. The special effects are great considering the time. The story is well adapted, and the acting is pretty good. Its the perfect movie to watch with someone that likes science fiction as much as you do. So, grab a bag of popcorn and crank up the DVD.

timeMachineThe Time Machine (1960)

Fine adaptation of another H.G.Well novel. Made during the height of the cold war, the destruction that ultimately leads to the Morlocks and Eloi is caused by nuclear war. Rod Taylor does a great job in the role of George. Another two popcorn bag movie.

forbiddenPlanetForbidden Planet (1956)

This will always be one of my favorites. Walter Pidgeon adds a certain style as Morbius that few actors can. Leslie Nielsen is the dashing protagonist long before his Naked Gun and Airplane days.

First_Men_in_the_MoonThe First Men in the Moon (1964)  

Yet another Wells adaptation. Now as well know as the others. However, just as good. What makes this one special is Ray Harryhausen’s stop action animation. The Selenites and giant Caterpillars were great.

Robinson_Crusoe_on_MarsRobinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) 

This one has great special effects too. This time by master Byron Haskin. I loved this film as a kid and still love it now. The story reflects the Defoe original with a few twists and turns.

Earth vs the Flying SaucersEarth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)

This one is worth seeing simply for the Harryhausen special effects. Hugh Marlowe stars as the protagonist out to save the world from corny looking aliens. However, the story plot may be cliche and cold war influenced ( read aliens as communist) but I still like it.

carrotmanThe Thing from Another World (1951)

The original John Campbell short story inspired film. I was about ten when I saw this the first time; couldn’t sleep for a week. Marshal Dillon was one badass alien.

Them!Them! (1954)

Not the best effects, acting, directing or anything for that matter. It’s just fun to watch.

I must admit James Whitmore did a pretty good job as the cop out to avenge his partner. Other than that there is not much going for this one. Worth a bag of popcorn though.

These are just some of my favorites. The original trailers can be seen at Archive. Its a great site with a lot of old movie stuff.

3 comments on “Classic Movies of the 50’s and 60’s

  1. The Day the Earth Stood Still had a childlike simplicity about it. It gave out such a powerful message with no histrionics or gore.
    Thanks for the post, excellent.

      • I showed it my 3 grandkids last year (4,9,12) and they were fascinated – the youngest was genuinely scared of Gort. These are kids that watch Men in Black without batting an eyelid.
        I think it was because you couldn’t predict what was coming next, unlike most modern movies.

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