Is Orson Scott Card a Pariah?

By now, anyone that follows science fiction  knows Orson Scott Card’s novel Ender’s Game has been made into a big screen film, and that he has been slated to write a series of Superman stories. You also know he is anti-gay marriage and homophobic. However, does that mean his talent, as a writer, is less significant? I don’t think so. Yes, his opinions are disturbing and offensive. Frankly, all that is irrelevant. What he thinks about politics, culture and society is his business. What is important, is his ability to create stories like Ender’s Game. If you read science fiction you know it’s one of the best modern sci-fi novels. OK, he’s a jerk. But, so were a lot of other great writers.

Ray Bradbury was supposed to be a pompous anti-feminist. Robert Heinlein has been described as a dirty old pervert that fantasized about having sex with young women. By all accounts Gene Roddenberry was a promiscuous womanizer. So, does this now make Fahrenheit 451, Stranger in a Strange Land, and Star Trek boycott worthy?  Just think about it. What will be the litmus test?  Are you now, or have you ever been opposed to gay marriage? This neo-McCarthyism is wrong, and you know it!

Gene Roddenberry’s “Star Trek Philosophy” has always made pretty good sense to me. If you don’t know it, take a look at my Modern Science Fiction page. If you don’t want to go to the trouble, I’ll paraphrase. It teaches acceptance, not just tolerance, acceptance as the only way we will ever create a truly eclectic world. That is why, although Card’s ideas make my stomach churn, I still read his stuff. I separate the man from the work. I don’t accept his hate,  prejudice, or sanctimonious attitude. I accept his talent as a great writer. His science fiction work has never had sinister homophobic undertones in any way that I have noticed. So, why throw it out with his shitty opinion. If you want acceptance, you must also give it.

When the Ender’s Game movie is released this Fall I will be there with my ten year old son, who incidentally reads Superman, and we’ll enjoy the movie, eat popcorn, and have an all round good time. If you’re not there, well that’s your choice.