The Greatest Science Fiction Writer You Never Heard Of

James_H_SchmitzThe July 1949 issue of Astounding Science Fiction introduced James H. Schmitz as a new author. It also introduced the world to his genius as a writer.  Agent of  Vega  is one of the best novelettes of the period. Crafted in a way that few of his contemporaries could have equaled. This “Space Opera” is unique and very original.

Schmitz creates a universe where humans and other sentient beings live and work together in a harmonious  and cooperative society. They have formed special operatives to keep criminals at bay. These “agents” are recruited from member worlds of the Vegan confederacy. Most are human or human descended species with allied aliens.  The plot twists and turns are intricate; yet, Schmitz does an excellent job of explaining what is happening, and so, the story flows smoothly.

Agent of Vega is the first of four stories based on the Vega confederacy. In my opinion it is the best of the group.

James H. Schmitz, the man, is something of an enigma. Born in Germany to American parents. The family left shortly before the Nazi’s embarked on world conquest in 1938, and returned to America. James served the US military in the Pacific theater. He seems to have written Greenface(Unknown Worlds 1943), his first published work, during this period. It was another six years before Agent of Vega would see print.  During this early period Schmitz apparently didn’t have that “passion” to write most authors have. Whether it was a fear of not being able to make a living as a writer or difficulty finding his muse is something we will never know. The success of Agent of Vega must have been what he needed because he became a productive writer shortly after its publication.

Schmitz died at the relatively young age of 70, from complications related to emphysema. He left behind a collection of work any author would be proud of. I just can’t understand why he never got the respect he deserved.