The Founders of Science Fiction

Jules Verne

Jules Verne

Jules Verne was one of the first writers to create fiction based on science, as it was understood at the time, and its future impact on humankind. This is the definition of science fiction most true SciFi geeks use today. Although much of his work is classified as adventure, From the Earth to the Moon was definitely science fiction by anyone’s definition.  His prose probably lost some meaning in translation since he was French. However, imagination is universal and I like most kids thoroughly enjoyed his writings.




H.G. Wells was the first science fiction writer I read. In third grade I found a copy of War of the Worlds in my school library. I took it home, read it in two days, and have been addicted ever since.

Well’s aliens were superb. His description allowed my imagination to paint a picture far more frightening than any special effect or computer generated image.




Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe

When it comes to scaring the crap out of you, Edgar Allen Poe was the best. Poe’s dark and probably disturbed personality made for a tragic life. However, his skill with the pen allowed him to share his imagination with the rest of us.

Hans Pfaal is my personal favorite science fiction tale by Poe. Probably, because it involves space travel. However, all of his stuff deserves a read. I rank Poe as Master of the Masters since Verne and Wells were influence by his writing.


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